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Vanity is, in my opinion, the fact of centering the world on oneself, of freeing oneself from others and the Gods, of considering that I, I am necessarily better, worthier of interest, more deserving to receive compliments and successes than others. Vanity is a self-love without real substance and thriving on an illusion of reality, an emptiness of meaning for the world.
Vanities are exploding in our time, under the influence of self-portraits, images of ourselves and our lives, which we convey every day on social networks centered on the image, INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK in particular. Photos of me, of me in front of a dream of a turquoise sea, of me as a dancer at the Rio Carnival, of the necessarily sublime dish I just tasted, of me leaving for the moon with Elon Musk etc, etc, etc and after that? Are my creations, my actions better and more useful to all?
Obviously not, but vanity supports self-confidence, which is necessary to face the world. And, since no human matter is simple, I will quote François de la Rochefocauld, whose remark I liked: “Virtue would not go far if vanity did not keep it company… “.
I’ll let you think about it and we’ll talk about it at SILMO

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Mike, Toon & Jan




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